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event that they chose to remain with their parents and children, the income
they earned was low. , it was necessary to travel to dangerous and exotic
locations with no experience, for example, becoming factory workers in
different cities or as migrant workers in other countries after nadra divorce
certificate online check or Nadra birth certificate from union council.
Per the Father of Rida:
According to his father of Rida
following her divorce, Rida alternated jobs for an income increase. "After divorce, she began working
again, this time in a clothing manufacturing facility in Sukabumi. The time was
short, six months. Then she moved to Bandung to work for three months. In PT
for three months, PT Wahana is in Jakarta to train before heading to go to
Taiwan. The contract with Taiwan had a duration of three years. Later in the
new year, she will be able to return and rest for a month and then start again
from nadra divorce certificate online check or Nadra birth certificate from
union council. The contract did not require payment.
Jemi :
However, if she's successful, she'll
pay three million dollars to Mr. Jemi, the agent from PT Wahana. The salary she
earns is reduced in nine-month increments." (Mansyur, the parent, 5
September 2017,) Following the divorce, parental responsibility shifted to the
obligation of the female's spouse. However, in this research, two men assumed
the responsibility for their children. The families of women were not only
accountable for the care of children of their children but also for the
economic requirements of their children. In some instances, spouses would give
an item of clothing, a gift, or toys prior to Eid.
Birth Certificate From Union Council:
In the case of a nadra divorce
certificate online check or Nadra
birth certificate from union council that was done to alleviate the burden of money for the family, it
failed to achieve this goal and instead increased the burden on the family by
requiring grandchildren and children to be looked after by larger families. Life choices and resolving issues
following divorce Female participants were reported to have their
own methods of calming themselves in stress, anger, and discontent after
divorce, for instance, by crying and having more contact with their children
and families, being isolated from their neighbors for a period of duration (up
to three months in some instances) and worshipping (praying and singing) while
concentrating their thoughts with the desires and future plans of children, and
going to social events, for example nadra divorce certificate online check
or Nadra birth certificate from union council.
Female Participants:
A handful of female participants who were
interviewed took the decision to withdraw from their surroundings. Alongside
being embarrassed that they had divorced at such an early stage, these women
also were afraid of being teased by neighbors and were also dissatisfied with
their failed marriage. A number of female participants, following divorce,
decided to marry again with people they truly loved (unlike the first marriages
they had). It was possible to reconcile with ex-husbands following the talaq(such as in the case of Nike). So
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